4 Themes: Section 2: Religion I believe in God, Because I was told to. A religion I did not understand; A faith I did not profess. But I had to fit in, I had to please the crowd. And so, I continued to ‘believe’, While questioning the existence of a God; While facing a world full of hypocrites. Out loud I asked, ‘Who is God? Is he the Judge? Or, is he the Executioner?’ Everyday I wondered, Who determines the sinners and the blessed? How do we measure a person’s worth? Why are the sinners kinder than the preachers? Is hypocrisy the religion? Nay, I am who I am. Neither a sinner nor an angel, Just a mere human. And if there is a God, Then He shall judge me for who I truly am, Not who I profess to be. * We believe in _ _ _ Because we were told to. But two millenniums of stony silence Have forced us to get up and seek out The steep path to the mountain top. Like the children of Israel before us We endure the cutting ...
The Tattooed Rebel - Edward Ong The living ink on your body breathes Faraway myths my imagination cannot reach. The merman way you flex yourself - in the dying amber light of the day - Gives the black swirls a meaning Only my intuitive eyes can comprehend. On your neck stand the Three Crosses, Holy in their uprightness and yet Condemned by your liberal peers. The defiance of your existence starts here, Almost at eye level, and I am (I must admit) Aroused by its forthrightness, The suffering of the saint and sinners you have Committed to carrying until you are ash. The grinning skull on your bicep is A reminder of everlasting death, The sparkling diamond in its mouth Is the preciousness of here and now. So smile! and I trace with my fingers The cluster of bright stars Across your mountainous shoulders. From these stars we came, Ancient dust sprinkled through time to settle On the planet of Love and Hate. Heart riven, my ...